Wednesday, 31 October 2012

Adventures at Brownhill Creek

Decided to test out my new Canon 5D Mk. iii at one of my favourite places - Brownhill Creek. I cannot believe how the sweet peas are growing wild up there and are taking over the natural vegetation - they look very pretty as you can see by the photos but must be viewed as a pest to the natural environment I would say.
Parrots have been nesting and I stumbled across a small family.  Didn't take a long enough lens to get too close to the Kookaburra, but it was nice to see him sitting in the tree all the same.
Love the Teepeee that has gone hi-tech with the solar panels lined up next to the tent.  The family of ducks were the farewell party sitting on the edge of the road as I left Brownhill Creek.
 (Click on the photos to view them larger).



Engaging News

It has been awhile since my last blog due to being very busy with football finals, presentation nights etc. so now as things have finally started to settle down slightly I finally have some time to update my blogspot and share some recent photos.
The exciting news within my family is that my daughter Megan and her boyfriend Joshua got engaged - we are thrilled for the pair of them, as they are so compatible and so in love.
  We now have a very exciting year ahead planning a wedding.
Whilst out scouting for a venue for their reception recently I managed to take a few snaps of the happy couple, and wish them all the very best for the exciting and hopefully not too stressful year ahead.  ... ..
(Have just purchased a now Canon 5D, Mk iii, so will be back very soon with some snaps from the new camera.)