Saturday, 2 June 2012

Mini Holiday in Normanville

After a couple of very busy weeks, and with a few more busy weeks coming up - I decided to have a mini holiday, and packed up the husband (Rexy) and the two furry kids (Poppy & Scooby) and we headed off to Normanville. We stayed in a great pet friendly house called Footsteps Cottage (

The township is small but has a couple of great coffee shops - and is a terrific unspoilt country town.

I just love the green rolling hills of this area, we had beautiful blue skies, and spectacular sunsets on two nights.

One day we ventured down to Rapid Bay and Second Valley - looking at the water from the Second Valley jetty is was crystal clear and you could see the bottom of the ocean and fish swimming everywhere - I can understand why it's a great spot to snorkel.

Late afternoon many of the paddocks, including the one at the end of our street, had many kangaroos feeding. One afternoon we saw approx. 50 of them in one paddock - I felt like I was at Margaret River in W.A. - where there are kangaroos everywhere in the late afternoon.

On another day we went to see the Myponga Dam, which I had never seen before, and drove along the wall. Then drove down to Myponga beach which is like a secret little hideaway - that only a few know about - what a gorgeous place.

Hope you enjoy the pics from our 3 days away.

Day 1 - a walk on the beach at Normanville

Old piers at Myponga Beach.

Myponga Dam

Scooby just loved the sand in his toes.

      How's the serenity on this beach !!!

Even back at the house Poppy & Scooby had fun watching what was happening out in the street. 

The next door neighbour's quirky garden feature.....

Sunset on the first day of Winter

Rolling hills near Carrickalinga, a very calm sea and the sun going down.

Birdhouse in our front garden

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